But what is happening out there? But what is happening out there?
Sorry, but I can not hold. I know this is a literary blog designed to tell a fantasy story, but anyone not to cry the last days Oh my god! While watching the news.
The world falls apart. If gentlemen, crumbles!
Chile's earthquake has shifted the axis of the Earth 8.8 centimeters according to NASA.
This is awesome, but I remember what has happened in recent months.
all started with the earthquake in Haiti (although he had started) the earth shook in an earthquake that killed so many people that I'm ashamed to put the number.
When the people were more aware of these things to avoid another spate of natural disasters on the planet invaded.
The genesis cycle explosive whip Portugal although previously there had been flooding in Andalusia and the Canary Islands. A perfect storm has ravaged the peninsula has left 3 dead and scenes worthy of an American production about the end of the world. 3 dead may think is not serious (Tell that to the families of the 3 dead), but in France the same storm killed 45 people and no one knows how many are left material damage to both countries. In Galicia, more than a thousand people were left without light.
When everything seemed to stabilize again attacked Chile earthquake and then a tsunami. The images of looting and despair you feel like turning off the TV, yell and walk away from the planet Earth.
But this does not end here Thailand has suffered an earthquake in recent days. Cuba and Haiti have been flooded by torrential rains.
And now I wonder what they seem normal or am I weird? I feel guilty just by turning on the TV when the news. Because I propose a challenge to find a single happy news that do not involve economic benefit of anyone and everyone to hear her cry out that good news!
How? Can not find it?
I'm not surprised because the world is tired, there's good news not only hear about misfortunes. The first world begins to shake hands with the third, but only when it is too late for millions of people.
What can I say I have a fifteen and not want to live in this world. A world that can change not interested. Where 20% of the population is 80% money. A world that ordinary people will not change. Not eradicate world hunger. Do not get the poor stop being poor. Simply because those who have money and power to do so never leave normal people that they change the world.
A if that if I may I help you in everything you can as far as I stop the powerful people who are what we really control the planet. But as for me not to look refuge in the world of my books. A world wherein at least the reality that I live I choose and if the story just do not like I have to close the book and change it.
If this message will stir congratulations because you are 2% of the population retaining the heart and conscience. Normal people can never change the world but we are not going to stop trying.
Attention bloggers here I appeal to all normal people with heart and conscience. From here I want to create motion People usually drive. All you have to do if you want to join is to write a post about the state of the planet and show this photo. Maybe a normal person not change the world, but all normal people can do together. The blogosphere is powerful and can demonstrate to the powers that normal people if we have the strength to change things.