I can apologize for having disappeared literally.
But I can also leave you a new chapter compensated crystal medallion . And the promise that the brain is plotting something.
Kiss bubbly and here I leave something new.
Chapter 22. Prohibitions.
was strange. The two were sitting in the sand and said nothing. Just looked at the moon in silence. We just did a company to each other.
-I ... - his gravelly voice .- I get almost cut edge did not want to be so sorry.
My eyes searched his, but he had his head down. I could not help smiling shyly.
"Do not answer him I apologize .- .- After all I've been the one that has you match the eyebrow.
raise my head and I look into your eyes. Did not last long, but I could tell that something had changed. No longer showed cold as before.
I leaned my head against the wall behind us, I practically drop on him as he raised his eyes to heaven.
"Everything has changed so much .- I muttered.
He said nothing, although part of me knows that I heard.
spent another couple of minutes in silence until they got up a cold breeze.
"You better get you home, is beginning to cool .- he said getting to his feet and looking directly at me reusing.
I nodded and got up.
On the way to my house none of them said anything.
"This is .- I briefly when we reached the portal.
At that moment the door opened and left Alicia with a dress that made him appear half years he had.
-Mama is here to see me cry .- .- You do not know the mess you just get you .- I said after a voice that did not match his image of doll.
"Sorry I have to enter my leave .- Alex as he followed Alice into the house.
The next hour was as it were. Abochornante.
My mother kept screaming how upset he was by my demise when my adorable little cousin made the comment most inopportune of the century.
"Well you know that Aunt Sara. Crystal was with a guy out there .- as sweet a voice can say that and so evil eyes looking at me two seconds later.
next thing I remember were a lot of screaming and phrases like: "If a guy was what?" "Mama I have almost 16 years," many "do not ever raise your voice" and "Your mother should not speak it well " by my aunt.
The end result was simple. I end up in my room with glazed eyes and a ban to see the only person I felt comfortable in a long time.
take a deep breath and hand me the medallion.
"You have no idea what I can do .- whispered in a voice that did not look like mine, while a solitary tear rolled down my cheek.