When I finally started my goal appeared to decrease. The speed you get to meet me a little scary. I thought I would on the ground if not slowed, but when he was only two feet my body took a turn and I stood in the air. So my concern happened to be another, like entering the house. Try to return to being me, but I had too nervous and I could not. I started to walk around the house terrified until I saw an open window.

My salvation was the only thing that went through my head.
I walked quickly towards her and went below the half-open window. It was the room of a teenager, probably the brother of Jane since the decoration was was anything but feminine.
jumped from the window and crossing the room to sneak through the crack in the door. I did not know was where I needed to go from here. That was the second floor and I had only been in the shop first and magical as he liked to call Jane. So I let myself be guided by the smell. I did not know where exactly, but someone was eating cookies and drinking coffee so that was my goal. Crossing all the hall and down the stairs, following the smell and finally reaches the big hall. There I waited a little Jane and Max in a hurry, I guess I would be waiting to arrive. I pose on the table and a PIID I did notice, the two looked at me perplexed and relaxed and huff. Without realizing I had become transformed and almost break the table to do so.
- But how ...? "Said Jane perplexed.
"The truth is that I do not understand it I began to explain demasiado. .- I had to run away from home to come and I guess that was the only solution.
"I'm glad to know that you dominate your powers more and more that will help us speed things .- Max told me.
"The truth is that I have long not to if that faster is better .- I comment with a wry smile. Did not know how long it would take my cousin bored and want to enter the room.
"But where did you get .- Jane was confused, but why not blame her if two months ago a bird had become a person across the table from my living room would have me locked up in a psychiatric ward.
"For your brother's room .- I replied as he put the alarm on the phone to not return to catch me off guard at home.
- Why my brother's room? - Now if that was confusing.
"Yes, I had the window open .- their faces began to show a lot of confusion that made me ask .- Is something wrong?
-not just surprises me is not surprised that a bird went into his room .- Jane said more and more confused. "I doubt
strange because it is in her room" I said .- oliéndome a little Jane and her grandfather did not know he was not there.
- What is not in your room! - Jane exclaimed as he ran upstairs.
- Is something wrong? - I asked again to consider the reaction of both. Max got really restless and also left the room and began to record the entire downstairs. I also got me restless and I approached the door of the room.
"It is in the upstairs pretty impaired .- Jane screamed down the stairs to meet me.
-In is also below .- Max said trying to sound calm.
- What about the workshop? - Jane asked in a tone of hope in his voice.
"I've looked .- defeated his grandfather said.
- Did you not know that was not? - Ask me trying to get an explanation, because they were both face was clear that they did not.
"No, of course not exclaimed Max .- .- Jane altered somewhat and he has a curfew from confirming that the trackers had come to town.
"It's the attempt to spell .- Jane explained.
- What spell? - I'm interested.
"He who would teach you to do this afternoon, the camouflage. It has protected the house, but once you get out of it are vulnerable .- It was the first time I saw Max gesture.
- Vulnerable? - Could not understand.
-spell makes all the magic happens inside this house is invisible to the gift of vision and ourselves what we are for tracking, but once out does not work. .- It is no use this time Jane was trying to explain.
"That's why I said that would not leave home .- Max .- continued Cristal Sorry, but today there is no kind of magic, I have to go find your brother .- added, looking at Jane.
-Of course. Do you want me to go? - Ask me.
- No. - said Jane .- Do not leave me alone.
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