Only missing 3 days left in the year 2009 and JESUS \u200b\u200bAND FRIENDS are willing to do a review of the most important and relevant in the Pokémon world.
January 2009: The most important thing this month was the revelation of Arceus with a poster of the magazine in Special CoroCoro which could see several letters whose union was the name "Arceus." This month was also the month the announcement of the third edition of Pokemon Mystery Dungeon called "Explorers of Heaven." And I put my first entries
February 2009: Arceus formally revealed and along with it are showing new details on Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven. The same thing happened with Pokemon Platinum, officially announced in Spain. Do not put anything
March 2009: The official website Pokémon Movie (Currently now shows the movie "Ghost Champion Z") are now showing the first trailer of the movie " Arceus - Towards the Conquest of Space-Time" . Also that month opened the English site of Pokémon Platinum and the release of same in USA. not got anything.
April 2009: A month as always full of new wine. Details on the twelfth film and their respective events Arceus Color Pikachu and Pichu. In this month went on sale in Japan the game Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven and Spain was announced for May 1 in the Jetix channel movie Giratina and the Defender of the Skies. In Japan Anime Pokémon began broadcasting in HD (HD). In Spain Shaymin was distributed to the eleventh film in GAME stores . Also I started to put news of starting Pokemon shaymin event.
May 2009: Pokémon Sunday program ended May 3 with a pre-recorded scene announcing that the following programs were announced two new editions, and it did, but before it was Pokémon Japan who showed the announcement of these two new editions, now HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokémon, the remakes of Pokémon Gold and Plata. In this month came out in Spain Pokémon Platinum starting with the first event of the Wi-Fi Secret Key to get the 5 ways to Rotom.
June 2009: A month with no more simple. Pokémon new information showed HeartGold & SoulSilver and the program Oha Suta issued little new information about remakes and the twelfth film. On June 26 Pokémon Japan was through a Wallpaper launch date Pokémno HeartGold & SoulSilver. On June 6 Pokémon Japan revealed the second game for Wii Ware called Melee! Pokémon Scramble!.
July 2009: A month in which we could see new information on Pokémon HeartGold & CoroCoro SoulSilver through, revealing the Pokéthlon it. It premiered in Japan the twelfth film Arceus - Towards the Conquest of Space-Time and the "recording" of the thirteenth movie teaser currently entitled as "The Phantom Champion Z". Also announced three new games for Wii Ware: three Pokémon Mysterious.
August 2009: A month that was almost as June: few surprises among which we highlight the Mystery Gift to download via Wi-Fi Connection Nintendo's Pokémon Platinum Member Card familiar to capture Darkrai Lunanueva Island. Besides, was also new information on Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver in CoroCoro and Pokemon Sunday.
September 2009: Month spectacular. On 6 September in the Pokemon program Sunday could see Junichi Masuda Gameplay by showing a pure spoiler for the principle of Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver where it was announced that the event could Yellow Forest capture a Pikachu with Flight. On September 9, began to leak pictures of these remakes and throughout the day were circulated throughout the red.Para Spain came to us that we Pokémon Platinum event the Charter Oak to go to Paradise Floral.
October 2009: The month entitled "PokéPark." The first day of October, according to a new event for Pokéwalker: "Way of Champions." few days after the conference in Japan Nintendo announced the second physical format game for Wii called "Wii PokéPark no Daibouken ~ ~ Pikachu." Also in that month announced Arceus event for America. Announced later two events HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokemon, Mew event and the Latios and Latias.
November 2009: Earlier this month it announced the arrival of the film Arceus and the Jewel of Life in America, Australia and South Korea. Also out in Spain and America Pokémon game for Wii Ware yet Rumble Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Heaven in Spain and revealed new information about Wii PokéPark no Daibouken ~ ~ Pikachu Month in which more news huvo JESUS \u200b\u200bAND FRIENDS and it was my birthday.
December 2009: December has been a great month to give the end to 2009 and things that have surprised us a lot. First place has been announced dates for Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver for South Korea and the United States as expected after it was announced and shown the first trailer for the film entitled thirteenth "The Phantom Champion Z" . And of the Christmas Day has announced the recurrence of two events of 2009 to 2010, the Mew Forest and Yellow.
What will happen in 2010?
possible in January in Japan reveal the mystery of the thirteenth movie: Z. Moreover, in games could return to see a Pokémon Ranger with cameos of Generation 5 Manaphy.En style or some event happened too many things America and in Spain I got the movie 12, pokemon gold silver heart and soul, Pokepark Wii, the mysterious worlds wi 3 ware, many events, etc ...
Safari Zone Thanks to all !!!!!!
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