sleepy. Do not think that you are staying in bed until noon just because you're on vacation.
The ways we have to wake my mother are anything but careful.
apart I hit the quilt and sat on the bed just to hear her walk down the aisle. Experience told me that if I did now I would go to sleep. I tossed her hair with one hand, knew well that it was the fringe on the forehead. I never had anything up, it was as if you would like to get lost among the rest of the hair. I placed the right and note medallion very hot, while separate hand printing. This was passing strange. I woke up suddenly out of bed and turned the computer on my desk. While the shutter release is lit to let in light. I never felt entirely comfortable in the dark, except when it was night. I was pretty hard to fall asleep with lighted lamps in the rooms. I sat on the desk away some things that had drawn the table. I put some music on your computer to distract me before returning to mental paranoia sombre shadows and medallion. But before I had time to turn on the computer end of my mother burst into my room to face a few friends.
- What you do on the computer at this hour! Stop wasting time or be late.
- Late? Afternoon "where?" Ask the same face that stays with someone when they speak in a language they do not understand.
-A which will be Cristal, the dentist. I think you've repeated thirty times this week. - Prepare a sigh told me quickly that I'd like to run.
"I'd forgotten. It did not take anything - I replied as I ruffled his hair with his right hand.
"Where will the head Cristal. "He scolded as he left my room.
closed the door and began to dress. Not too late and as usual in the end I had to wait for her. Take the opportunity to wear helmets for a while and listen to music while riding a bit on the Internet.
When I was starting to bore me in front of the screen I called my mother as a sign that we were leaving. Turn off the computer and left the room still with the headphones. I used to wear them down the street to listen to the radio or the music that was recorded in the mp4.
From home to the dentist is just a ten minute walk at a good pace, but like every time I go with my mother, my step is slow. We were there in about twenty.
The review was very fast I just changed the orthodontic wire. A self before noon and was at home preparing to leave the suitcase with my grandmother and my cousin bored fifteen days in a town without friends, technology, or tents. I sighed as he packed what would be my entertainment the next day. A collection of books that probably would not give me time to read, but still stuffed them all will not be like last year there was no television.
my blue suitcase was not as big as I would have liked it to be. If it was for me I would have taken all the closet, because I'm the kind of people then miss all you have left. But my mother quickly interfered to see what was intend to take with me. Quito almost everything so take only what is necessary.
As I walked out of the room with suitcase in hand and ran a nostalgic look at my room half empty. How would miss almost everything that was in that room. Snort loudly while squinting. I closed the door and left the house.
The train ride was long, luckily I had my music and there was enough space for luggage. Looking out the window that was happy to see the outside and not a reflection as in the subway, I did not want too look back at a reflection in a while.
The landscape through the window was most splendid, green hills and forests surrounding small villages, as a mother in her arms a child in a protective sign. The trouble was that because of the fog that surrounded the whole this sign became something terrifying.
When the voice announced the penultimate train stop a shiver ran down my spine. He had a bad feeling about the coming days.
The house was located in one of the busiest streets in town.
"It's this," said my mother, pointing to a half-hidden portal near a pharmacy. He nodded and as I looked up and down a five-storey building, I take your hand instinctively the medallion. In recent days, had acquired the strange habit of grabbing my medallion instinctively whenever something I did not like at all.
"It's the second floor," continued my mother telling me .- Grab the suitcase and go to your cousin is waiting.
At the second floor I found the door open, but nobody there to greet me. I stuck my head out the door and yell
- Hello?
"I have been slow to rise, I have seen from the balcony, you have reached the portal for more than ten minutes - a voice answered amused and annoyed.
was my cousin Alicia. My only company over the next fortnight except my grandmother. Which was not very encouraging to know that Alice is only 12 years old and I fifteen. And all she could take the head would not be nonsense.
apparently was a little girl as happy and playful. Able to have fun with anything. Sometimes it's envy.
- But you're staying at the door? - This time the voice was heard behind me was my mother.
"I'm going," I replied while aupaba the suitcase into the house to face effort.
- is that the door was open and there seemed no one inside, "I said trying to explain the reason why I had stopped at an open door inviting me to come inside.
- I have been waiting in a doorway, but I was tired after the first five minutes and I went to watch TV, "she replied Alice had come to the lobby to greet us.
"As you're still in pajamas," I scolded my mother is that you do not plan to leave today on the street so good it does.
"Yes, but I was expecting. How else pretended to open the door? - Said Alice moody, as if he had questioned his place in the world.
- Grandma Not? - I asked confused
- No, "he calmly replied something has gone out to buy bread and newspapers.
- Your bedroom is the first door on the left- I pointed my mother cut the conversation.
I went to the door marked dragging the suitcase behind me.
As you enter the room my cousin began to hover behind me. I figured that my bed was to the left and the other was full of things to Alice and the busy bedside.
"Get the vanity and things that are going to put in the drawers of the nightstand. Anything to hang give it to me that what I put in the locker room .- grandma said my mother as she peered through the doorway before turning to leave.
Snort loudly. I hated to pack our suitcases. I sat on my bed to start taking things. No more sit I could see that the mattress was sinking a lot. Luckily I have not thrown in irons. Complete
fast with the matter of the suitcase and started to investigate the house. At the entrance to the left was the bathroom, I loved the shower curtain was white with a bunch of colored dots.
Front door entrance was the kitchen, spacious with a table and chairs. After my room and Alice was the next door of the room. Through which were given to two other rooms. One was a room with a double bed and a dresser. And the other was a small terrace or balcony. Near the door of the room right, another room was like mine, with two beds. This was the locker room. A large dark wood cabinet.
- How about the house? "I asked my mother
-is larger than last year.
"I think if-I contestó." I have not measured.
"At least you have more rooms.
"Now that is true.
"I preferred the garden last year, although it had fewer rooms," added Alicia at the door.
The first days were very routine. If good weather to go to the beach to sunbathe, if not, we stayed at home or went out for a walk through the port. But soon things began to change.
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