Monday, December 28, 2009

Suitcase-piercing Movie

7: The explanation

His step was quick and cheerful, seemed smaller jumps steps. It fit her voice completely cordial.
- What's your name? He asked as he circles around me.
-Crystal. - You answer me with a better mood. Needed to explain to me what the hell was going on in my life. "I gusta.-
smiled her .- It's different.
"Well just so you know Jane is the most common name around here .- was funny how in two minutes that girl I had been behaving as if one of my best friends.
"Yeah, but I have excuses. By aquí.'m not, "he said laughing as he stood in front of a house.
- Where are you from? "I asked intrigued.
"Actually I have very claro. not-me" she said a little more subdued.
Then look for the first time the house was before us. It was a two-storey detached house, Painted in cream and very well maintained.
-Abuelo. Jane screamed as you walk by the entrante "We have arrived.
I felt a little uncomfortable. Although I had been invited to go was like I was completely out of place.
"I'm glad you come ye find. We have many things to clarify .- We received the Jane's grandfather out of a room like an office.
We went to a spacious living room. There, he sat in a black leather chair beside the fireplace. Jane on the couch to his left and I lightly rests against the arm of this. The situation was really tense. At least for me, since I have never been quite right to talk to strangers. Solo I wanted to explain it all very fast to safely leave my house.
-Haber ... how to explain ... - began whispering Max-Surely you ever heard the expression at the time and in the right place 's where the magic.
- sounds I have heard something similar.
"Well, actually the magic comes at the right person in the drive-treatment adecuado. Max explained.
"Grandfather, I do not follow you," I cut Jane Max at my puzzled face.
"No, not really too .- I affirm, with a half smile shyly.
"I'll explain it another way then told Max .- .- In the society we live today people do not believe in magic. Only they can create the play and only care about material things. All it did before with magic has been replaced by technology.
But occasionally appear people like you. People in the depths of his being believe in magic and are therefore attracted to special items like your medallion, they do awaken within them the spark of magic and fanning a flame to get as powerful as the sun itself. Crystal
you have been given a gift very scarce and precious. You must learn to control it and promote it.
This last sentence I said it so seriously and made me feel confident that important but terrified.
"Well ..." He hesitated-How I'm supposed to learn to control my powers?
-Proponiéndote things he said .- Max .- And what are the authorities discover that you have been granted. For example: the creation of flowers with which you discovered. That is a power on earth, usually people who have that kind of power you have them on all items. Do you know any other power you have?
"No, I think not. The only magic I've done are things related to plants ... - I said as I thought about everything that had happened the past few days .- So now I remember more than just that and ... well then there are the shadows, but these have not I created.
- Did you mean with the shadows? - It had gotten really serious. Even Jane, who had been quiet most of the conversation I now looked as if he had said something wrong.
- Well ... - I never knew where to get involved. I wish I had not opened my mouth .- I mean that some time I see a kind of shadow. Hooded men dressed in black to those who are not seen his face. Over time, his presence is most notable. It is as if they came after me. "And that hacen.
whisper Jane. It was virtually silent, his lips barely took off. But I heard and certainly Max too, but pretended he had not done.
"Exactly what I feared. Dark. - seemed to speak more to himself than me .- When was the last time you saw them?
- What are the Dark? - Strange question.
"It's important to tell me when you last saw .- Max insisted.
"A few days on the beach during the incident. Am I in trouble? - I was really nervous. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife and the expression of Max's eyes said it all had gone from concern to panic.
"Not only you but all of us we're in big trouble. I never thought you were a Full. Jane please go find your brother from now better not to walk alone out there .- The failure to stop talking to himself between conversations that could not otherwise get more nervous. "Now I .-
Jane said as she stood, she looked really worried.
- Crystal is important to tell me what you remember about your encounters with the dark .- when Max told me his voice was calm and quiet, but you could tell he was trying to hide his excitement for me to calm down.
- What are the Dark? "Half sob.


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